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Forum Posts
The 303 Collective
Nov 23, 2024
In Help
The holidays can be such a trying time without going through loss or grief.
These kinds of messages go further than the group forum. They go deeper and we believe they should be shared further because this person is anything but along.
Read the post and message here:
Are you one that falls in the "fa la la la" spirit through the holidays or a"hold on for the ride"???
The 303 Collective
Nov 16, 2024
In Whisper Wall
We recently received a message on the whisper wall about a feeling someone is having, no talent and no success. I feel as though the feelings are so easy to fall into. Darker than we hope, and almost an imposter syndrome. As if you don't belong where you are. Thing is, you do. If it's a passion and something you love. Don't leave it. Don't allow those feelings to dictate what happens today or tomorrow. Maybe though, realign and readjust what you're doing with those passions or spaces where you are feeling as if talent and success are fleeting.
Let me tell you, I create art often. It doesn't bring much recognition. Those "likes" are few and far between. I don't care though. I'm creating what I want when I want how I want. And sometimes that's all we need right?
Shared more on the newsletter where we can deep dive further.
The 303 Collective
Sep 16, 2024
In General Questions
What are your thoughts on "I need help now" - is this something we can normalize in society or is it too raw for people to say without stigma attached?
Do you have thoughts on how we can bring it to the forefront?
The 303 Collective
May 06, 2024
In Whisper Wall
Message received by a 303'er:: "Everything is a struggle right now. I feel like I can't support my family. We can't go on vacation this summer because I don't make enough $$. We don't go out to eat. We are making minimum payments on everything. I'm struggling right now."
First and foremost, your feelings are valid, and YOU ARE NOT ALONE. It sounds as if you do feel alone through this right now, your family is with you. Does your partner work and contribute to finances or stay at home? There are some questions to help give a deeper insight, for now though, please know you are not alone.
The state of our country, here in the U.S. and the world alike, is not a great one. MANY, we could probably say most, homes and families are feeling much of what you're feeling right now.
The price of life feels as though it's quadrupled in just the last two years. Heck, a chicken wing price was up to $1 and that seemed high, now they can be double that. It's ridiculous and it's not just you.
Are vacations nice? They sure are! Here's the thing though, you can go on a vacation right in your own neighborhood. It might not be crystal blue waters with dolphins in the distance. But hey, dolphins are over rated! Plus, have you heard how dolphins are so curious it can seem as though they want to mate with us! I mean, who need that.
Instead of spending all that money on traveling, what about:
• Heading to the local state forest and creating a scavenger hunt for the family?
• Finding a local body of water, bringing some paper and pencils and having an art competition where the family is the jury of final pieces. Winner chooses next adventure?
• Take a drive, let the kids lead the way on where to walk. Even in the city, let them choose the next turn and discover new neighborhoods. Take in the architecture, the house colors, the gardens.
• Pitch a tent in your own back yard and camp out. You don't need to go far to create adventures.
I guess what we are saying is that a vacation, to us, is really a money dump. Instead of vacations, maybe it's time to start taking adventures?
Being blunt here, ditch going out to eat. In all honesty, that's a waste of funds. Is it nice to sit down and "be served"? Sure, but let's step up and become better humans. We don't need to be served when we can find a new recipe and cook as a family. (not to mention, how often can you look around at restaurants and someone, if not everyone, is just staring at their devices) Talk about rewarding, have everyone help cook and have everyone help clean up. It's those moments kids and family members remember over a restaurant. And when you and your partner fall into bed at night, you can laugh about something that happened, or cry over how wonderful it was that everyone got along. And the meal, it doesn't have to be lavish. Make Pizza Dogs, the kids will love them and they're simple and yes, delicious too (recipe below)
Much like vacations turning into adventures, dinners out turn into memories made together at home.
 The harder part comes with the minumum payments. Without a few questions asked, it's difficult to see the bigger picture here.
The goal needs to be paying those debts off ASAP. Start with the higher interest loans / cards and throw as much as possible at one till it's paid off while making minumum payments on the others. Then tackle the next card / debt. It may be easier to start with the lowest balance card too, that way you feel as though you've accomplished step one.
Is there a way you or your partner can pick up a part time side hustle? I know it may not be easy right now, but it will be easier than being stuck making minumum payments. Even if it's just $50 extra per week. That's $225 per month to throw at a bill. Mow a neighbors yard, jump on a food delivery service. The options are there, it's just a choice that we all need to make on the importance of our future and what you really desire long term.
YOU CAN DO THIS THOUGH. Look at the life you want and write down the steps to get there. No matter how small, each step forward is a step further than you were before. Since the economy shows little change coming, the change you make will be within yourself. This IS doable though, and YOU ARE DOING IT!
The fact that you recognize where you are was the first step and hopefully you see that there are options and YOU ALL WILL BE GREAT! Set a plan with your partner and come together as an unstoppable force, YOU GOT THIS!
If you have ways to help this member, thoughts, concerns, insight, share in the comments below.
The 303 Collective
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